
Lead Web Developer

A bit too early for the web revolution, Cynder found a home in print design with some of the big names in print — CapCities/ABC, Jefferson Smurffit, Knight-Ridder, and McClatchy. He honed skill in visual design, color, and developed many burgeoning graphic designers along the way. As the print industry contracted, Cynder found himself at a cross road and reinvented his skill in web development, earning a bachelor degree at DeVry University. Cynder has a real passion for process, visual identity, and creating experiences that are individually crafted for each client. #CraftCMS #twig #php #html #css




The Artisan

How To Fascinate


Never let self-doubt get in the way of self-interest.

Cynder Gray
Fun Fact

Other kids played video games. Instead, I wanted to create the visuals and splash screens. I had, a Commodore 64 and with that limited computing power I would create animations of how I imagined the games should open. I would also re-create album artwork of some of the rock bands.


A Gen-Xer of a certain persuasion, I'm equally at home with classic rock, dance anthem, and big country riffs. I'm always down for a good sound ... here are some of my favorites:
• Journey
• Depeche Mode
• The Cure
• Sam Smith
• The Weeknd

Focus. Focus. Focus...
Moss giffy